A handmade coffee for those who look forward to talking about their experience

Il Manovale is an artisanal coffee roaster established by a group of professionals sharing high experience and strong passion for coffee. They aim at bringing a handmade, fresh and traceable product into homes and cafés, and at uplifting coffee to a conscious choice.

We roast small quantities with our Giesen W6A and Giesen W15A machines to keep the original characteristics of each bean and thus, to offer a captivating quality coffee that expresses its full potential.

How to make
artisanal Coffee?

Raw materials grow in sustainable micro-lots which are painstakingly treated

The evolution of the beans is supported by specialists during roasting

Tasting tests are crucial to verify and achieve the best flavor in the cup


Gianluca Lavacca

After 20 years as an entrepreneur and consultant in Ho.Re.Ca. (Hotellerie-Restaurant-Café business), he meets the world of specialty coffees and is struck by it. It is said that during each roast, he whispers love talk to the coffee beans.

Gianni Antonacci

A ten-year career in all areas of traditional cafeterias have been essential for him to immediately identify the potential of artisanal coffee. Whenever there is a problem, he is ready to solve it with his best smile. 

To make a good cup of coffee, quality raw materials are not enough. Only a significant roasting can respect and amplify the quality of green beans by developing aromas, harmonizing flavors and making them explode.

We produce high-quality blends and single geographical origins of coffee which are then wisely roasted by experts. Then, the initial technical parameters are modeled based on the evolution of the bean during roasting and its flavor when in the cup.

Offer your customers a fully traceable coffee with a unique taste and create the most suitable blend for your café with us. Craftsmanship allows you to process coffee of different origins, creating the ideal product for every need.

Our artisanal coffee qualities are the right product for entrepreneurs in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector and baristas who want to appeal customers by focusing on quality and transparency, while remaining in an affordable price range.


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